Is Pewdiepie Good Or Bad For Youtube Gaming?

Pewdiepie is the most subscribed and popular youtube gamer and has been for quite some time now. Now he has a history of saying the wrong things and being blasted by many media platforms  for it in which he should have. But has he helped the platform or caused it to slowly die? First let's take a look at the pros of what he has done for it, First off before him and a few others Youtube Gaming wasn’t that big of a thing Him and a few others weren't just gaming but they were showing an creative outlet and really helped the growth of Youtube. Pewdiepie has made and is still making a lot of money off his success but in return because of guys like him  a lot of other youtubers across the world are making a lot of money and even making being a youtube gamer a actual job. Has he said and done stupid things? Yes but i always understand he is a human in the media eye. Did he cause the ad revenue to go down? On the surface it looks like it but also the ad revenue went down because of Youtube taking a more business approach and yeah his comments helped speed up the process but let's be real if it wasn't him some other person would of said or done something to cause a stir. Now to some cons about Pewdiepie, He has a habit of making poor choices on camera and it has cost him and the youtube gaming market, I know he has said sorry for each action but there comes a time where he needs to stop and realize what he does can reflect on the rest of the platform because of mass sub amount. Now to answer the question of the title, I think Pewdiepie at this moment is still good for Youtube because he still  brings in that gaming market and it does help smaller Content Creators but I really think he is on his last limb. One more mistake or one more slur will cost him or even worse ruin it for the Youtube Gaming community. I see so many people either hating him or being blind to things he has done, I don't hate Pewdiepie nor am i diehard fan of his but i do understand what he has done both good and bad for the rest of the gaming community.  


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