Monday Raw 25th Anniversy Results

Raw 25th Anniversary Review 

Pre Show Panel: Renee Young, David Otunga, & Peter Rosenberg

The whole pre-show idea was smart to do for this show because it felt different. To see Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler at the other location of Monday Night Raw home with the original set makes my heart feel good. We see Lawler bring back memories he had with Bret Hart and at the old school location we see some good cosplay. I’m genuinely excited for this show. The pre-show is being pulled off properly and really makes this show feel like a once in a lifetime event.  They start talking about Raw moments, like Rosenberg’s favorite moment being Mike Tyson meeting Steve Austin and Otunga brings up the debut of Nexus, both of which are great moments. Renee chose Triple H, forcing Stephanie to marry him- which is very odd to say that out loud.  We go backstage and we see the APA as well and they talk about all the money they made from beating people up. They talk about bringing themselves back for this one show and they even bring back the famous APA door. We then proceed to see a flashback moment of the first ever raw segment with Sean Mooney & Bobby Heenan. 
Next, we would go outside to Sam Roberts, who is with the fans as he talks about his fandom of Raw. He starts naming all the special guests for tonight’s show, which I don't agree with, as it should be a surprise. We then see a flashback moment from 1998 with Austin driving a Zamboni to get to Mr. Mcmahon.

After that flashback moment, there’s a discussion on some great Steve Austin moments and they talk how important he is to Raw history. We also find out tonight that Roman Reigns will defend his Intercontinental Title against The Miz. We then go get to see yet another iconic moment and this one is from 1999. It was when Mankind beat The Rock to win the WWF Title, which is also a moment that turned the tide of Monday Night War. Then speaking of that, we go to a legendary moment in 2002 when Eric Bischoff became the Raw GM. Bischoff comes to the panel and talks about this, telling everyone how it was a surprise because no one knew about it. He says seeing the looks on the workers backstage was priceless. He talks about being hidden all day and was not allowed to talk to anyone. He says he wishes he could relive the moment again. Next, we go backstage and see Bayley talking and getting hyped up for the show, as well as Trish Stratus walking by, fangirling like crazy.

Now, they take us back to a very special moment in 2004. The first ever Raw main event to be a womens’ only match and when Lita defeated Trish Stratus to become Womens’ Champion. We then go back to Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler in 1993 on the very first episode of Raw when the Undertaker appeared. We also see a compilation of a Young Undertaker as we find out he will be here tonight, making his first appearance since Wrestlemania. They start a discussion about Undertaker, talking about how respected he is and how he is the spirit of the whole company. John Cena & The Smackdown roster will also be here tonight for some action and now we see a video by The New Day, who are backstage. In the video, they share their love with Raw. They bring up Kofi Kingston being on Raw for a decade which really shows his age.

Following this, we see a flashback of the debut of Chris Jericho, which in my opinion is the best debut of all time. We then go to another great moment from 1998 when DX invades WCW. I swear is the most rewatched segment from that era. They bring up factions like Evolution, DX, Legacy, & Nation Of Domination and then we go back to 2014 when Seth Rollins turned on The Shield. We also find out The Peep Show will return tonight with Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan as special guests. We go to a raw from 2012 - The Raw after Wrestlemania 28, when Brock Lesnar made his return and laid out John Cena. Now the panel starts to run the Royal Rumble Match card.

The actual show kicks off with one of the best compilation intros WWE has ever produced. We see Stephanie & Shane Mcmahon in the ring. They talk about Vince Mcmahon’s great image and how its grown the last 25 years. Then out comes Vince Mcmahon to a very loud pop. He says he is not going to go crazy out here and he says thank you. Stephanie and Shane present him with a plaque for the history of Raw. After some great humble speaking, Stephanie leaves and out comes Stone Cold Steve Austin. Vince Mcmahon’s reaction is just amazing. Vince tells the fans to shut up, but the fans start a “What” chant. He then says it has been a long time, a lot of things have changed, and he is now an old man. Austin looks at him like he is dumb. Vince says his bones are brittle these days and times are different so he would like no violence. However, Shane is in his prime, but he tries to back out of this situation. Shane and Austin shake hands, then Austin raises his hand and hits him with a Stunner, causing a big reaction. Vince grabs two beers and hands Austin a beer for old time’s sake. They cheer it up, drink the beer, and hug each other. Austin fools him and hits him with a Stunner. Shane gets back up just to eat another Stunner. 

8 Women Tag Team Match

Sasha Banks, Bayley, Asuka, & Mickie James Vs Nia Jax, Alicia Fox, Sonya Deville, & Mandy Rose With Paige

Sasha Banks, Bayley, Asuka, & Mickie James Win Via Bank Statement On Fox

Rate: ⅕ Stars

Post Match: Asuka throws the other women over the top rope, showing her dominance.

Backstage we have Kurt Angle telling a ref he cannot afford carnage with Braun Strowman. Jonathan Coachman walks in and says he is happy to be here, followed by Harvey Wippleman and Brooklyn Brawley walking in to a decent pop. Next comes in the great Teddy Long to a big pop. Then it's time for some love as Brother Love Bruce Prichard makes a long awaited return to WWE Television. Boogeyman comes in and ruins the good time for everyone and places his worms in Coachman’s hand in a very odd but nostalgic way. It was great to see Bruce Prichard back on WWE Television though, and I hope we get to see more of him. He is one of the more brilliant minds in the business. 

We go back to the old school Raw set with Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler. They talk about the 8 Women tag team match, they say Undertaker is one the biggest stars in Raw history, and we see a video package of his history on Raw. The video is very well done and it really shows the younger fans who the Undertaker was in the 90s and early 2000s. The dong is heard and the crowd is all standing to give him respect. The Undertaker has arrived, demanding so much respect when he is in that ring. He says the carnage in this place 25 years ago, for 25 years he has been digging holes and anyone who got in his way fell in those holes and got buried. For 25 years he has destroyed legends like they were nothing and buried them, including Stone Cold, Mick Foley, and even his own flesh and blood fell to the reaper over the years. They all tried and they all failed and now 25 years later on this sacred ground he declares for all of those souls who have fallen, it is truly time to rest in peace. The fans start to chant “one more match”. 

Backstage we see APA, Heath Slater, and Rhyno playing poker backstage until Ted Dibase walks in to join the game.

Lillian Garcia introduces some of the greatest GMs in the History of Raw. Out comes John Laurinaitis, William Regal, and Eric Bischoff, followed by the Smackdown GM Daniel Bryan. He gets a huge reaction, but as Bryan is celebrating, out comes The Miz and The Miztoruage.  Miz and Bryan go face to face before Miz walks down to the ring. 

2. Intercontinental Title Match

Roman Reigns Vs The Miz With Miztoruage

The Miz Wins Via Skull Crushing Finale After Reigns Hit The Exposed Turnbuckle & Wins Intercontinental Title

Rate: ⅗ Stars

Backstage, The Usos, Jeff Hardy & MVP join the poker table and this segment is comedy gold. Then we go into the ring with Christian and his Peep Show segment. He says he misses the fans and he knows a little something about Tag Teams, as he was a nine time tag team champion. He says his guest won the tag titles in their first match together, then and out comes Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan. Every time Rollins goes to talk, Jason Jordan cuts him off and gets booed, as no one likes him and the fans will not let him talk. Jordan is basically kissing to Christian as the fans boo him and Jordan thanks his dad for getting everyone that is here tonight. But now out comes Sheamus and Cesaro, interrupting Jordan and the fans seemed happy about it. Sheamus says Jordan needs to slow down, all of those legends are here to get pictures with Sheamus and Cesaro because they are the bar. Everyone knows come the rumble they will get their titles back that they never should have lost. It is not Kurt Angle whose sucks, it is Jason Jordan and they start a “you suck” chant. Jordan charges and Rollins protects him, then Rollins accidently hits Jordan as Cesaro and Sheamus laugh. 

Backstage as Alexa Bliss is getting interviewed, Charlotte Flair comes in and says Bliss is only champion because Charlotte Left Raw. Ric Flair comes in behind her and says Charlotte will be champion until she retires and they woo together as Bliss walks away.

3. Singles Match

Bray Wyatt Vs Matt Hardy

Bray Wyatt Wins Via Sister Abigail

Rate: ⅖

Announcer brings out some of the greatest women wrestlers and personalities, including The Bella Twins, Maryse, Kelly Kelly, Lilian Garcia, Jacqueline, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool, Terri Runnels, Lita , and Trish Stratus

We see Elias walking backstage, who has a segment with Chris Jericho. He joins the list of Jericho and this just proved how Jericho should stay in NJPW, as he will be used correctly. We would then go to the ring where Elias transported and his great intro puts the crowd in his hands. He almost leaves but then he sees Jimmy Fallon and points him out. Elias shows him to actually perform and he sings a song dissing Raw legends, getting him major heat. But now John Cena comes out to a loud reaction- Roman Reigns better take some notes. As Cena gets in the ring, Elias slides to the outside. Cena woke this crowd up by just appearing and he says he and Brooklyn have balls unlike Elias. You then see WWE Security take away the beach ball. Elias slides in the ring and tells Cena to shut up for once because no one wants him here, because they came here to Walk With Elias. Cena tells Elias to do something about it and takes his shirt off. Elias just looks at him and says that is not how it works because Cena is not his boss. Elias tries to cheap shot him but Cena saw it coming and goes for his five moves of doom. Elias hits him with a low blow which drops Cena, then Elias grabs his guitar and breaks it over Cena’s back. Cena starts to crawl and Elias hits him with The Drifter.

We go back to the Poker Table as a big fight almost breaks out. JBL demands no fighting in this sacred place, to go fight in the ring, and it seems we might have a little tag team match tonight. 

Backstage, we see a good funny, but short segment with Mark Henry & The Godfather about growing up..

4. Tag Team Match

Titus Worldwide With Dana Brooke Vs Heath Slater & Rhyno

Match never starts when The Dudley Boyz come out to a huge pop and Rhyno throws Slater in the ring. He gets a little wishbone split, and now it is time to get a table and the crowd is so into it. Slater gets a 3-D through a table.

Backstage, we have Mean Gene Okelund interviewing AJ Styles as he does his best Hulk Hogan impression and the crowd is so loud as he hypes the match with Owens & Zayn on Sunday.

Are you ready? It is time to break it down. D'Generation X is here- Shawn Michaels & Triple H, the founders of the once great stable. They talk about great memories on Raw and bring some comedy to it. Trips tells Shawn to keep it PG only to find out they have no PG stories. They even mentioned Chyna which got a hug pop. Now out comes The New Age outlaws and they do their thing. Next, we have one more member and it is the kid himself, X-Pac. Fans start a “1-2-3” chant and you can see that hit him in the feels. After that, out comes The Bad Guy, the survey creator Scott Hall, who looks great. God, his “Hey Yo” still gets a great reaction.This is now a party and he has been watching this whole show. It has been toooooo sweeeeet- but wait, now The Balor Club are here . Oh I see you WWE, you sly dogs you. Next arrival is The Revival!!!! Looks like we got a match.

5. Tag Team Match

The Revival Vs Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson With Finn Balor & D-X

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson Win

Post Match:  Dawson puts his hands on Scott Hall and he throws his toothpick on him. Road Dogg hits some jabs on him and Bill Gunn hits a Fammasser on Dawson. Here comes Dash as he gets some sweet Chin Music followed by The Pedigree. But it isn't over yet, as Balor hits him with coupe De Grace.

Rate: ⅗ Stars 

Kurt Angle makes his way out to the ring and he has brought all the special guest and wrestlers to the ring to surround it. Angle says this Sunday, Brock Lesnar will defend his Universal Title against Braun Strowman and Kane. First out is Braun Strowman, who has been on a tear as of late. Now out comes the other challenger Kane and the wrestlers get in the ring to keep them apart. Now coming to join the party is Paul Heyman as he introduces the Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar. He says Lesnar is not here for nostalgia, but he is here for a fight. Now here comes Lesnar and the wrestlers leave the ring. Strowman lays out Kane, Lesnar lays out Strowman, followed by an F-5 On Kane, but Strowman is back and takes Lesnar to the outside of the ring and manhandles him. He does a Running Powerslam on Lesnar through a table and he now he stands tall yet again.


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