NJPW New Year Dash 2018 Review

  1. 8 Man Tag Team Match

Ren Narita, Shota Umino, Tetsuhiro Yagi, & Tomoyuki Oka Vs Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi, & TenCozy

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi, & TenCozy Win Via lariat from Kojima on Umino.

Rate: 2 Stars

Opinion: A Typical young Lions Vs NJPW Legends type match, Young Lions showed some great heart as they were being walked through the match by the legends and any time i can see Yuji Nagata in the ring i am happy.

2. 10 Man Tag Team Match

Suzuki Gun ( El Desperado, Taichi, TAKA Michinoku, Takashi Iizuka, & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) Vs Henare, Hirai Kawato, Jushin Liger, Tiger Mask IV, & Togi Makabe

Suzuki Gun Wins Via Pinche Loco from Desperado on Kawato.

Rate: 2.5 Stars

Opinion: Another solid lower card multi man match just to get the fans pumped up for the big bulk of the show, Suzuki Gun is the only real Heel stable and it shows in this contest. Would of liked it to go a few more minutes but for what we got it was fun to watch.

3. Singles Match

Katsuya Kitamura Vs Jay White

Jay White Wins Via Blade Runner

Rate: 3 Stars

Opinion: A very solid match from two guys on who i feel are the future on NJPW and see both of them main eventing Wrestle Kingdom in the coming years. This match really help develop Jay White as a methodical thinking man wrestler. Showed a great mean streak and Kitamura who won the Young Lions cup showed some great promise in this match. I really look forward to seeing both men grow in 2018.

4. 6 Man Tag Team Match

Roppingi 3K & Cheeseburger With Rocky Romero Vs The Elite

The Elite Win Via Assisted Indytaker On Cheeseburger

Rate: 3 Stars

Opinion: This match wasn't a spectacular match like we expect from the elite, But this match did have great storytelling coming from Wrestle Kingdom. We saw Roppingi 3K , Young Bucks, & Elite sold the injuries very well. Saw some good placed comedy in the opening of the match. Was just overall fun to watch and not take too serious.

5. 10 Man Tag Team Match

Bullet Club ( Cody Rhodes, Marty Scurll, Leo Tonga, Chase Owens, & Yujiro Takahashi) With Brandi Rhodes Vs Taguchi Japan ( Kota Ibushi, Rysuke Taguchi, Juice Robinson, Kushida, & David Finlay Jr.)

Bullet Club Wins Via Indian Deathlock On Finlay Jr. By Rhodes

Opinion: A match to showcase some great talent, Everyone gets their spots and moments but i wish Leo Tonga had more time to spotlight his improvements. Cody Rhodes getting the win was the right move as he took a big loss the night before but I didnt think have Finlay take it was smart as most fans have been expecting him to break out for the past few weeks but he continues to eat losses.

Post Match:  The Bullet Club Lays out Taguchi Japan and then corner Ibushi as they start a 5 on 1 attack on him,  and Rhodes has a chair  But Kenny Omega storms out to the ring and he protects Ibushi and gets in a shoving battle with Rhodes and Rhodes leaves before it gets physical. Every member of Bullet Club leaves but Omega and he has a microphone and he says  he is sick and tired of the fighting within Bullet Club and says this group has been unified for a long time.  So he has a brilliant idea and what they need is SwitchBlade and outcomes Jay White!!!! Omega says he sees his potential and he reminds him of the Old Cleaner from 2015 and he offers him a spot and hands him a Bullet Club T Shirt. Jay White starts thinking about and looks like he is gonna put it on and he does and he has joined Bullet Club and they hug but Jay White hits the Blade Runner On Omega!!!!!!!!!!

6. 6 Man Tag Team Match For Never Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Titles

Chaos ( Beretta, Toru Yano, & Tomohiro Ishii) Vs Bullet Club ( Bad Luck Fale & G.O.D)

Bullet Club Wins Via Stun Gun On Berretta  Never Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Titles

Rate: 2.5 Stars

Opinion: On normal nights this would be a superb match but tonight it just didn't click for me, Titles change hands twice in 48 hours which seems to be a pattern for the 6 man tag titles. I really just don't care about those titles which makes the match seem less important in my eyes.

7. 8 Man Tag Team Match

Suzuki-Gun ( Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr, & Killer Elite Squad) Vs War Machine, Michael Elgin, & Hiroshi Tanahashi

Suzuki Gun Wins Via Killer Bomb On Hanson

Rate: 3.5 Stars

Post Match: Suzuki continues an onslaught on Tanahashi and destroying his leg…

Opinion: So far the best contest of the night, Had everything i wanted in a multi man match and planted some good seeds. Possibly just saw War Machine last match in NJPW, A Possible Suzuki/Tanahashi Match for the IWGP IC Title. Killer Elite Squad continuing to be domiant and possibly a rematch with LIJ. The right guys won here and Suzuki got all his heat back after he lost the night before.

8. 10 Man Tag Team Match

Los Ingobernables de Japon ( Tetsuya Naito, Hirmou Takahashi, Bushi, Sanada, & Evil) Vs Chaos ( Kazuchika Okada, Will Osprey, Gedo, Yoshi-Hashi, & Hirooki Goto)

Los Ingobernables de Japon Wins Via Destino On Yoshi-Hashi

Rate: 4 Stars

Post Match: LIJ Lays out Chaos, Okada tries to fight back but the numbers wear him down. Rest Of LIJ Give Naito respect by letting him talk alone to the fans as he does and from behind Chris Jericho attacks Naito!!!!!!

Opinion: This match was a great way to end the show and it highlights even more feuds that we can see very soon, Naito Vs Jericho, Osprey Vs Takahashi, Evil Vs Okada and so many more possibilities as we are heading into the meat of the first quarter of the year for NJPW. Best way to end a decent show to give the fans what they wanted and with jericho possibly staying longer is a big plus for NJPW.

Show Grade: C+


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