ROH 16th Anniversary Shwow


Sumie Sakai Defeats Hana Kimura In A Women Of Honor Tourney Match

 Rate: 1 Star

 Opinion: If you’ve ever seen an Oedo Tai Match, then you’ll know all about the shenanigans and bullshit we get during the matches. All of the usual stuff happened here, which makes the referees look dumber everytime. Anyways, that aside, this was a solid match, but not the best spotlight for Hana’s first match in the US. She botched a superplex, nearly didn’t kick out of a near fall at the end (making Tod look bad), and this wasn’t as good as I’d hope for. Sumie picking up the win was a real surprise. Flying in Hana and Kagetsu for a little pre-show Match, only to take the L, seems useless. Also, Oedo Tai bear down Sumie after the match. This was very skippable.

Tenille Dashwood Defeats Brandi Rhodes In A Women Of Honor Tourney Match

 Rate: 1.5 Stars

 This was a bit better than the first match, but not by much. Brandi Rhodes has a ton of room to improve in the ring, and it showed here against Tenille. The outcome was never in doubt, and the eye poke followed up by a bad looking Cross Rhodes by Brandi couldn’t save it. Tenille picks up the win, and advances. I wouldn’t be shocked if she wins the whole thing, being the first to pin Kelly Klein in the finals (if that’s possible, not sure where the bracket has them)

PPV Card!!!!

Singles Match

 Hirmou Takahashi Vs Flip Gordon

 Hirmou Takahashi Wins Via Timebomb

 Rate: 3.5 Stars

Opinion: Well, after Bully Ray insisted on giving an opening speech about how great ROH is, we finally got some wrestling., these two exchanged victories on the recent Honor Rising events, so there was a bit of a backstory coming into this opening contest. While it was a pretty good match as a whole, it was a little disappointed at the same time. I anticipated this being a potential show stealer, but it just never got to that level (it doesn’t even compare to Flip Gordon’s match with Will Ospreay last year’s Global Wars event in Chicago). Still, there was some very solid action throughout. Hiromu was great as always, and unlike his outing in the Triple Threat Match from Honor Rising, Gordon’s performance here was clean and free of any botches. Hiromu did use Daryl at one point as a weapon (not his Daryl, but a Daryl from a fan in the front row), but I can let that spot slide here, since this was only the opener. As pretty much everyone expected, Hiromu got the win after hitting Gordon with the Time Bomb. I enjoyed this, but as I already mentioned, I was expecting more.

2. Singles Match

 Punishment Martinez Vs Marty Scurll

 Marty Scurll Wins Via Low Blow Followed By A Rollup

 Rate: 4 Stars

Opinion: Unexpectedly, this had a very fast start, and it was completely different from what I expected. Overtime, it slowed down, but was never bad. This was a solid match overall. Punishment got in his cross-corner dive spot, taking out a ton of security. He also got to put himself through a table, which is always fun. In the end, Scurll’s villainous ways took over, as he faked throwing powder at Punishment, and instead hit a low blow for the win. Good match here. Could’ve been better, but I enjoyed it.

3.  ROH Television Title Match

 Kenny King Vs Silas Young

 Kenny King Wins Via Royal Flush & Retains ROH Television Title

 Rate: 3.5 Stars

Post Match: As Kenny King Celebrates, Austin Aries makes a shocking return to Ring Of Honor as he is holding all his titles from various promotions. Aries Congratulates King on  a hard fought victory but recently Aries has been collecting belts and the one belt he never held in Ring Of Honor and that is the ROH Television Title and he wants to add it to his collection.

Opinion: This was a perfectly solid match, but one that should have never happened in the first place. The crowd wasn’t too into it, nor should they have been. ROH decided to not announce a TV Title match, but throw one on the card last minute. Anyways, Silas taking a pin yet again was a stupid idea, as he should’ve never lost the Title so early anyways. They tried to protect him, which seemed like they were setting up ANOTHER rematch, but the post match said otherwise.

4.  Six Man Tag Team Las Vegas Street Fight For ROH Six Man Tag Team Titles

 Bullet Club ( Young Bucks & Hangman Page) Vs SoCal Uncensored

 SoCal Uncensored Win Via Modified Camel Clutch/Boston Crab Combo & Win ROH Six Man Tag Team Titles

Rate: 3.5 Stars

 Post Match: The Kingdom comes out and attacks a weakened Bullet Club until Bully Ray chases them off.

Opinion : Coming in, I expected the title change here, along with a wild, chaotic match, that could easily take MOTN. Sadly, I didn’t get the second half. There were a couple of sick spots, including Daniels bump on the barricades, the jump off the ladder through a table, bringing back the thumbtack strap, Page getting zip-tied to the post, and that’s about all. Shane Taylor interfering made sense, and helped not make the Bucks and Page look weak. Taylor is literally ROH’s hoe, who just goes around, and does anything for money. Anyways, the submission finish on Matt was good, as he sold the back the entire match. This was a good gimmick match, but I had hoped for more.

5. Singles Match

 Cody Rhodes Vs Matt Taven

 Cody Rhodes Wins Via Cross Rhodes

 Rate: 3 Stars

Post Match: Cody gets his ring back and goes on to celebrate but it is revealed the bear is Kenny Omega!!! The crowd comes alive with a big eruption as Omega attacks Cody hitting him with a V-Trigger.

Opinion : Cody’s streak of a great set of matches in 2018 ends here. This was as average as you can get, no heat, a chair, a ref bump, and an overbooked ending. Back to typical Cody. I actually had high hopes for this match, and was hoping for a good singles match to blowoff the feud. This was a lose/lose though. Taven losing doesn’t do him any favors, because he seemed primed for a World Title shot. However, Cody needed the win, ahead of his match with Omega next month. Anyways, the ref went down, Kingdom came out, Taven hit a low blow, Bully came out and beat up the Kingdom AGAIN, Cody had a cup, so the low-blow didn’t hurt, and he hit a Cross Rhodes for the win. Yeah. That was something.

6. ROH Tag Team Title Match

 Motor City Machine Guns Vs The Briscoes

 The Briscoes Win Via Doomsday Device & Win ROH Tag Team Titles

 Rate: 2.5 Stars

Opinion:  This was a very, very disappointing tag title match. It was super basic, paint by the numbers, everyone hitting their moves just to hit them. The Briscoe’s got relatively no heat, so it took away from them winning the titles as newly minted heels. It was a solid match, no doubt about it, but the crowd just wasn’t there, and something was missing. Thus ends Sabin and Shelly’s lackluster Tag Title run.

8. ROH World Heavyweight Title Match

 Dalton Castle  With The Boys Vs Jay Lethal

 Dalton Castle Wins Via Bang A Rang & Retains ROH World Heavyweight Title

Rate: 4.5 Stars

Post Match: Jay Lethal & Dalton  Castle shake hands as a sign of respect, But Marty Scurll comes out and confronts Dalton Castle as the crowd erupts

Opinion: This is one of those matches that I feel some will hate it, while others love it. Personally, I never thought Lethal/Castle would deliver if they went 25 minutes, but this blew me away. All throughout, it was worked at a slow pace. Back and forth, but Lethal kept getting the advantage. The knee of Castle was worked, and while his selling was hit and miss, it served its purpose. The German Suplex to the floor was BRUTAL. At the end, Lethal was about to get one up on Castle and win the Title, but Castle caught Lethal, and ended up retaining his title. One hell of a main event, that exceeded my expectations. Easily Castle’s best singles match, ever.


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