WWE Backlash 2018 Results

  1. Singles Match (Kickoff Show Match)

Ruby Riot Vs Bayley

Ruby Riot Wins Via Riott Kick

Rate: 2 Stars, An  Underwhelming yet predictable match, Will most likely will see this again on raw and it just shows more of what we already knew on WWE is high on Riot and Bayley slowly moving down in the women division. Would like to see these women to get more time as both of these women have talent and chemistry in the ring.

2. Singles Match For WWE Intercontinental Title

Seth Rollins Vs The Miz

Seth Rollins Wins Via Blackout & Retains WWE Intercontinental Title

Rate: 4 Stars, A excellent match that has come to define The Intercontinental title in the past year. Had a great story based on Miz trying to make history added with Rollins past leg injuries. These men threw everything at each other, We saw great reversals with a great pace and excellent storytelling. Miz was never going to win but the great storytelling made you think he might and that is why storytelling with believability is one of the best elements in wrestling. Looks like they are building Rollins as the workhorse on Raw with his recent matches and this match proved that point even more. Miz leaves looking strong with another great performance which i expect him to restart his feud with Daniel Bryan now.

3. Singles Match For WWE Raw Women's Title

Nia Jax Vs Alexa Bliss

Nia Jax Wins Via Samoan Drop & Retains WWE Raw Women's Title

Rate: 2.5 Stars, In a Wrestlemania rematch this was was leaps and bounds better in every fashion. Great storytelling of power vs Speed with Alexa showing some great heel work as Nia plays a babyface well enough and has great timing with Bliss in the ending. Nia deserved going over as i see she deserved to win this feud after the reactions she has been getting since Wrestlemania.

4. Singles Match For WWE United States Title

Jeff Hardy Vs Randy Orton

Jeff Hardy Wins Via Swanton Bomb & Retains WWE United States Title

Rate: 3 Stars, This match had the means to be so much better but 80 percent of the match was a tad bit boring. The ending just came out of nowhere and just seemed out of place but i expecta rematch down the line for the United States Title. A Lot of headlocks and feeling out for 2 men who have been in the business for a long time was just a odd thing to see. Didn't seem like Orton cared all that much but again it was not given a great amount of time that they deserved But, for the last 2-4 minutes of the match they cranked it up a bit and showed what they could do and it got me interested  but that finish just caught me so off guard.

Elias comes down to the ring and trolls the fans of New Jersey and as he is about to perform out comes The New Day, Woods starts complimenting Elias in a sarcastic tone But Elias says he was not done and wonders why they are out here. Kofi responds saying how about a dual branded Backlash exclusive Raw/Smackdown concert. Elias this is unnecessary as he is a solo act but New Day cut them by obviously playing instruments which annoys Elias.  Elias tells them to go play somewhere else but Now out comes Aiden English doing his rendition of “Rusev Day” and outcomes Rusev to a huge reaction. Rusev says he will do whatever he wants as today happens to be Rusev Day. Now out comes No Way Jose with Titus Worldwide and Fashion Police as You see Elias get even more furious. And now Bobby Roode theme hurts and Elias jumps up angry but Roode is in the ring and he hits the glorious DDT on Elias.

5. Singles Match

Daniel Bryan Vs Big Cass

Daniel Bryan Wins Via Yes Lock

Post Match: As Bryan celebrates Big Cass ambushes him from behind and starts tossing him around on the outside. Throws him back in the ring and lays him out with a big boot.

Rate: 3.5 Stars,  An excellent match, Daniel Bryan is still the most over guy in pro wrestling. He used that and sold well to make Cass look strong during the whole match. The ending sequence was done well as Cass tried using his power to escape the but Bryan using his knowledge was able to lock it in. Big Cass really pulls off the Manic and desperate heel very well and showed great development in this match.

6. Singles Match For Smackdown Women's Title

Carmella Vs Charlotte Flair

Carmella  Wins Via Rollup & Retains WWE Smackdown Women's Title

Rate: 2.5 Stars, Match wasn't great but it is what i expected it to be, Charlotte carried that match with her great work rate but my issue with this match was simple, It went too long if you had cut maybe 4 minutes off it would be more enjoyable. Carmella isn't ready for this spot as it was obvious Charlotte carried her in most spots.The ending was the best choice to keep both women strong and make Carmella look even more heelish with a cheap fluke rollup and i expect one more match with these two as they need a proper finish to the feud.

7. No DQ Singles Match For WWE Title

AJ Styles Vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Matc Ends In A Double Countout & AJ Styles Retains WWE Title

Rate: 4.5 Stars, This match was nearly everything i wanted it to be, They used the NO DQ stip correctly and put together a great [piece of art in a incredible match. The ending was meh honestly both men cant get up after a double low blow just seems like overkill but to set up another Title match that i see turning into a triple Threat with Samoa Joe added because they did everything they could do in this match but i will not hate until i see where this goes in the coming weeks. But this is the match everyone wanted at Wrestlemania as this matched showed more emotion and had a more developed backstory to make the crowd more into the result of the match.

8. Tag Team Match

Braun Strowman & Bobby Lashley Vs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

Braun Strowman & Bobby Lashley Win Via Delayed Vertical Suplex On Owens

Post Match: Strowman & Lashley corner Kevin Owens and Strowman hits him with a running powerslam. Strowman finally catches Zayn and tosses him in the ring as he begs  but, he gets hit with a running powerslam by Strowman.

Rate: 3 Stars, A Good filler match to showcase Strowman & Lesnar as perhaps my favorite team in the WWE right now, During the match the Toxic friendship of Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn exploded when both tried to leave but at different times both threw the other guy to the wolves. All this match did was highlight Strowman & Lashley being dominate and perhaps setting the seeds for a Kevin Owens Or Sami Zayn face turn.

9. Singles Match

Samoa Joe Vs Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns Wins Via Spear

Rate: 3 Stars, This match should of been better, they have had better matches but other than the opening and a few spots, this match had been the most boring match of the night with a predictable finish. Joe dominated about 95 percent of the match until Roman used the spear to get the win. I expect him to challenge Lesnar yet again and i'm so not excited for that.

Show Grade: C+


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