Wrestlemania 34 Review : Blood, Heel Turns, Face Turns, & Angry Fans

Kickoff Show

Panel: Renee Young,  JBL, Booker T, & David Otunga

They start running down the card meanwhile crowd after we hear the crowd give some chants to JBL, Booker T, & even Renee Young. We see a video package of Daniel Bryan being cleared to being able to return to the ring. They come back and talk about Daniel Bryan & Shane Mcmahon Vs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn. We then see a Video Package for AJ Styles Vs Shinsuke Nakamura For The WWE Title. The Panel makes their predictions where they split the choice. We go on to a video package of Triple H & Stephanie Mcmahon Vs Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey ( showing some UFC Clips too) JBL Picks Triple H & Stephanie Mcmahon, Booker T Picks Triple & Stephanie Mcmahon, David Otunga & Renee Young Pick Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey. We go to a video package for Asuka Vs Charlotte Flair For The Smackdown Women's Title. As they talk about the match Ms Money in the bank Carmella comes at the panel and she said she has a big plan for this briefcase but tonight first she is winning the battle royal and she should be the most talked about woman in WWE. We go to commentary as We see Jim Ross & Jerry lawley about commantate  with Byron Saxton.

Kickoff Matches

  1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Elimination Order:

  1. Aiden English Eliminated By Zack Ryder
  2. Konnor Eliminated By Scott Dawson
  3. Curt Hawkins Eliminated By Fandango
  4. R Truth Eliminated By Goldust
  5. Primo Eliminated By Mike  Kanellis
  6. Mike Kanellis Eliminated By Sin Cara
  7. Tyler Breeze Eliminated By Shelton Benjamin
  8. Viktor Eliminated By Rhyno
  9. Zack Ryder Eliminated By Mojo Rawley
  10. Karl Anderson Eliminated By Chad Gable
  11. Luke Gallows Eliminated By Titus O'neil
  12. Apollo Crews Eliminated By Scott Dawson
  13. Shelton Benjamin Eliminated By Scott Dawson
  14. Rhyno Eliminated By Scott Dawson
  15. Scott Dawson Eliminated By Miztourage
  16. Dash Wilder Eliminated Eliminated By Miztourage
  17. Bo Dallas Eliminated By Kane
  18. Curtis Axel Eliminated By Kane
  19. Fandango Eliminated By Kane
  20. Sin Cara Eliminated By Baron Corbin
  21. Chad Gable Eliminated By Kane
  22. Heath Slater Eliminated By Baron Corbin
  23. Titus O'neil Eliminated By Dolph Ziggler
  24. Goldust Eliminated By Dolph Ziggler
  25. Tye Dillinger Eliminated By Matt Hardy
  26. Dolph Ziggler Eliminated by Kane
  27. Kane Eliminated By Baron Corbin
  28. Mojo Rawley Eliminated By Bray Wyatt & Matt Hardy
  29. Baron Corbin Eliminated By Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy Wins with the help from Bray Wyatt

Rate : 3 Stars - The best Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, a great ending as well with the return of Bray Wyatt and having him making a face turn at wrestlemania was genius. The crowd lost its mind and people at home did too. Good Job WWE you started the event right.

We go back to the panel as they react to the battle royal, We see a Wrestlemania ad and come back with JBL leaving the panel and Peter Rosenberg joining and replacing JBL. They start hyping up Wrestlemania being free and now it is time for our first title match of the night.

2. Singles Match For WWE Cruiserweight Title

Cedric Alexander Vs Mustafa Ali

Cedric Alexander Wins Via Lumbar Check & Wins WWE Cruiserweight Title

Rate: 3 Stars - A great match to represent the Cruiserweights, This match ahd everything you expected in the cruiserweight division but this told a story of 2 best friends and Heart Vs Soul and the ending with Ali did not give up really made him look like a strong babyface and hope to see more matches with both men.

We go back to the panel as they react to that match and talk about the passion they were shown, They start to run down The INtercontinental Title Match where Miz defends it against Seth Rollins & Finn Balor, We go to the charly as she interviews Cena as he is in the crowd drinking a beer . The Panel proceeds to talk about the Tag Team Title Matches & the United States Title Match.  We go down to the ring and Beth Phoenix will be doing Commentary with Paige, Michael Cole, & Corey graves

3.  Wrestlemania Womens Battle Royal

The inaugural women's match produced a memorable swerve finish to pop the crowd. With the entire storyline for the match built around the breakdown in the friendship between Bayley and Sasha Banks, WWE did well to give the fans a false finish involving the two. After Bayley saved Banks by eliminating Sarah Logan, Banks reached out her hand to squash their ongoing beef. Bayley initially accepted only to then dump Banks over the top rope, which both Bayley and the crowd thought was the end of the match. But Naomi, who had been thrown out of the ring under the second rope earlier, reappeared into the match. She hit Bayley with her Rear View finisher before tossing her, setting off a wild celebration. On a side note they appealed to the NXT Fans by adding that spot for NXT women dominting early in the match.

Order Of Elimination:

Carmella, Dana Brooke, Mandy Rose, Sonia Deville, Kairi Sane, Lana, Kavita Devi, Taynara Conti, Bianca Belair, Dakota Kai, Becky Lynch, Mickie James, Peyton Royce, Natalya, Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, Sasha Banks, Bayley

Rate: 2 Stars

We go back to the panel as they react to the match and run down the rest of the Wrestlemania 34 card as we get ready for Wrestlemania to kick off…..   They transfer to the Wrestlemania set as The National Anthem gets performed To set us in for the show. USA chants break out after the performance aas transfer into the Wrestlemania 34 video package.

  1. Triple Threat Match For WWE Intercontinental Title

The Miz Vs Seth Rollins Vs Finn Balor

Seth Rollins Wins Via Curb Stomp On The Miz & Wins WWE Intercontinental Title

Rate: 4 Stars - A wonderful opener with 3 great workers, All 3 men were giving time to shine, Moment of the match is when Rollins Curb Stomped Finn On Miz and i just popped for the creativity of this match. Had a good amount of length and kept me interested every minute.

2.  Singles Match For Smackdown Women's Title

Charlotte Flair Vs Asuka

Charlotte Flair Wins Via Figure 8 & Retains Smackdown Women's Title

Rate: 4.5 Stars. What can i say? This match was the greatest women's match WWE has ever produced, The ending was sudden but I will not let it affect the quality of what we just saw. Both women deserve a standing ovation.

Post Match: as the crowd is stunned, Asuka Congratulates Flair and hugs her and raises her hand. They cut to a ref jumping over a barricade and he runs to John cena and he tells him That The Undertaker has arrived.

3. Fatal Four Way Match For WWE United States Title

Randy Orton Vs Bobby Roode Vs Jinder Mahal  With Singh Brothers Vs Rusev With Aiden English

Jinder Mahal Wins Via Cobra Clutch Slam On Rusev & Wins United States Title

Rate: 3 Stars, It was not an awful match, but i expected a longer contest with these 4 men. I do agree Mahal winning was the best move to make as i think he makes a great heel champion for Smackdown live. Rusev was the MVP of the show and he had his best Mania performance and i am not dissatsified with it honestly. I really hope they give Jinder a proper run with this belt.

4.  Mixed Tag Team Match

Triple H & Stephanie Mcmahon Vs Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle Win Via Armbar On Stephanie Mcmahon

Rate: 3.5 Stars, Now this isn't the greatest match based on work rate, But Rousey showed great timing and great fundamentals and did enough to carry herself in the ring. We need to applaud Triple H & Stephanie Mcmahon as they did everything they could to  make Rousey look great and they succeeded. Even Stephanie showed some great work and some good fundamentals and honestly i was entertained and boy iill say this these fans love rousey and the reactions made it even better. This match had a predictable ending but a unpredictable match rate as it really did a great job to entertain .

5. Triple Threat Match For Smackdown Live Tag Team Titles

The Usos Vs The New Day With Xavier Woods Vs The Bludgeon Brothers

The Bludgeon Brothers Win Via Top Rope Powerbomb On Kingston & Win Smackdown Live Tag Team Titles

Rate: 3 Stars, This match was good but well Harper & Rowan incredible just dominated both teams for the whole match and were made to look like the most dominant team in the WWE.

John Cena comes out to his ring in gear and seems like he is ready to face The Undertaker but Another ref comes down and tells Cena that he is not here  and Cena looks disappointed but wait the lights go off and the crowd is going nuts and it is Elias and he has the crowd booing him like crazy. Elias begins to trash The Undertaker and you can see Cena is visibly pissed off right now. He tells Cena to move on and Cena just leaves the ring and jumps back in the barricade and takes a seat back in the crowd as Elias has the ring and it seems like we are getting a concert. Cena jumps back in the barricade and gets in the ring and hits the 5 moves of Doom on Elias. Fans keep shouting Undertaker chants and Cena music plays as Cena looks disappointed Cena is at the entrance, his music stops and the lights go off  and in the ring appears Undertaker Gear and smoke fills the stage and lighting hits the gear and the gear disappears and Cena looks frightened. The dong hits and fire arieses and his theme plays, The Undertaker has arrived at Wrestlemania.

6. Singles Match

John Cena Vs The Undertaker

Undertaker Wins Via Tombstone Piledriver

Thoughts: This match doesnt get a rating, As  John Cena did something for us Fans and for The Undertaker, Undertaker dominated Cena just to go out as a winner. John Cena did us fans a solid and let us see Undertaker go out the right way. It was a great booking thing and John Cena did the best selling he could do for The Undertaker and seeing him walk back just felt like this was the last time for Taker and i personally want to thank him for all he has done.

WWE Hall Of Fame Class  Of 2018

Jeff Jarrett
Mark Henry
Hillbilly Jim
J.J Robertson ( Warrior Award)
Dudley Boyz
Kid Rock (Celebrity Wing)

7, Tag Team Match

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn Vs Shane Mcmahon & Daniel Bryan

Shane Mcmahon & Daniel Bryan Win Via Yes Lock On Zayn

Rate: 4 Stars, This match was such a wonderful batch of emotions. Daniel Bryan making his historic return, gets taken out before the match and the story of the greatest underdog is told once again. Owens & Zayn did their part to be great heels. Looks like Zayn & Owens are going to go to Raw which should be interesting thing to unfold on Raw and even Smackdown to see where Daniel Bryan goes from here.

8. Singles Match For Raw Women's Title

Alexa Bliss  With Mickie James Vs Nia Jax

Nia Jax Wins Via Samoan Drop Off The Middle Rope & Wins Raw Women's Title

Rate: 3 Stars, This match was much different then the other women title match, But this match told a  excellent story. Before the match Nia took out Mickie james, She dominated Bliss in the beginning but like a good heel Bliss used every dirty tactic possible but Nia winning in a very dominate ending and it went the exact way that it should have.

9. Singles Match For WWE Title

AJ Styles Vs Shinsuke Nakamura

AJ Styles Wins Via Styles Clash & Retains WWE Title

Post Match:  They celebrate each other and hug it out, Nakamura Gras the WWE title and get son knee and hands it to styles and Low Blows him and starts kicking him in the head and Nakamura has turned heel. He ends it with hitting styles a kinshassa….

Rate: 4.5 Stars, An excellent match was delivered, The match started as a reversal hard hitting contest. We saw Nakamura hurt his knee early in that match and the rest of the match played to that story. Not as good as their match at Wrestle Kingdom but a very passable and great match to have at Wrestlemania and seeing them hug after did my heart good/ Nakamura showing respect but getting down to one knee and handing Styles his title just shows you the love they have and just like that they rip our hearts out by having Nakamura turn heel on Styles.  The match was so great and the post match added to that and i see a rematch happening very soon.

10. Tag Team Match For Raw Tag Team Titles

The Bar Vs Braun Strowman & Nicholas

Braun Strowman & Nicholas Wins Raw Tag Team Titles

Thoughts: This was the oddest thing to ever happen at Wrestlemania, even by WWE logic, Braun Strowman took a kid from the crowd who might be 10 years old and they just beat Sheamus & Cesaro for the Raw Tag Team Titles and apart of me is furious but apart of me should expected it. Somewhere backstage Vince Mcmahon is laughing as he has just trolled us.

11. Singles Match For Universal Title

Brock Lesnar With Paul Heyman Vs Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar Wins Via F-5 & Retains WWE Universal Title

Rate: 3 Stars, This match was just Brock destroying Roman to a bloody pulp, This should not of main evented the show. And coming off the tag match it just gives us a sour ending to a great mania. Looks like Brock is staying in WWE and Roman Loses yet again to Brock Lesnar. This whole show up until the Raw Tag Team Title match was nearly perfect. The last 2 matches really puts a sour note on it for me and the rest of the fans.


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